Powered by Imagination...Inspired by Dreams

Web Development

Making change possible through new perspectives

Bespoke WordPress Development

Project Information

Bespoke WordPress Development, Professional Hosting & Email Solution.

  • Design
  • Vicky George
  • July 12, 2023
  • August 8, 2023

Graze White Horse

Vicky is a certified coach with over 3 years of experience. She helps individuals unlock their thinking, gain fresh perspectives, and move forward in a way that suits them. She has used coaching skills in hery 35-year public sector career before becoming a certified coach. In 2022, Vicky added hypnotherapy and NLP to her skill set, combining all three in her approach.


Vicky came to us looking for a bespoke WordPress website for her new business venture, after some discussions and meetings we had drafted out the vision, brand & identity for the website.


With the core value of open and clean design throughout, the page is light and airy, with calm soothing colour palette throughout. Simple navigation, and built from the ground up using Elementor for WordPress, Vicky is now able to fully manage her website and make changes with ease. Alongside the website development, we include top level hosting, with email solutions and basic analytics.

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